Friday, June 30, 2006

19" Computer Monitor

Yes folks there is movement! I know you've all been anxiously awaiting another post in the high flying world of Barbecue TV. But the truth is that there just hasn't really been that much to say. I mean what do you want - 50 posts that all say "No real news here", etc.

I'm afraid I'm just not a rock star like some people. Neither Alice Cooper nor Corbin Bernsen have contacted me wanting to get involved. Though even if you look at the "paperclip guy", his site trades started out with some degree of infrequency. A few trades in July 2005, then one in September and then one in November. So back off people!

In any case, this afternoon I traded one train set for one computer monitor. You can see my friend Jeff loading the computer monitor in my car in the pic below.

Jeff came down from Columbus to catch a Reds-Indians game. I was going to go with him originally but then decided not to. We met in the parking lot of our friendly Staples and made the trade. I then left the parking lot, and celebrating by blowing the most pointless stop sign in the world (that I hate), which is located on the back side of said parking lot.

Details of the monitor: It is a 19" Hewlett Packard M90 monitor. Yes, it works. It is a bit dusty but if you're nice, maybe I'll dust it off for you. Here's a pic of it sitting in my car

Isn't that a nice monitor? It's a little heavy, but if you've been staring at a too-small monitor for too long, this is your chance! In fact, it's bigger than the monitor of the computer on which I am currently typing this blog entry. It's made me reconsider if I want to even give it up, that's how cool and awesome it is.

So make me an offer! I've already had some talks of a custom golf club from a guy I work with, but you can beat that, right? You can contact me by leaving a comment here to this post
i'd like it, but i'm not sure what to trade. i'm not sure i can beat custom golf clubs. but, hey, if they are custom, they won't fit anyone else but the one they are made for, right???
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