Thursday, December 08, 2005


There was scandal as the Barbecue TV project got underway this morning. I had brought in the "saucy" bottle of Open Pit Chilé Lime flavored barbecue sauce to trade it. Yesterday, Mark, a co-worker of mine, had agreed to exchange his VHS copy of "Josie and the Pussycats" for the barbecue sauce.

I put the BBQ sauce on my desk and went about my day. Sometime in the 9:00 hour, I returned to my desk and the BBQ sauce was gone! I immediately went into a tirade and launched the biggest witch trials this side of Salem Mass, in an attempt to recover my missing bbq sauce. I questioned co-workers, looking for anyone that had perhaps made large purchases of pulled pork. I made shotgun accusations of everyone I came into contact with, hoping that the guilty culprit would crack under the strain.

My efforts, while not completely successful in rooting out the evil-doer, did bear some fruit - some time around 10:30 or so, I returned to my desk and the BBQ was back on my desk. Sensing a plan, I locked it in my desk drawer, and went around still looking for the guilty party. The thought was to keep asking people in the hopes that someone would say something to the effect of "I took it but I put it back on your desk an hour ago so I don't know who has it now" at which time I could leap out at them and yell "Aha!". Unfortunately I am more Mr. Watson than Sherlock Holmes (my middle name is even Watson).

The next big break in the case came when a co-worker that sits next to me, who shall remain nameless but for story-telling purposes we will call Don, mentioned that he did not take it but that he knew who had. He would not give up the prankster but did clear another co-worker of mine that sits next to me, who we will call Larry. Larry had been my chief suspect and was grateful that he had been cleared. Afterwards, "Larry" said that he was very intimidated by my interrogatory techniques and, although innocent, was about to cop to the crime nonetheless. "Don" would still not give up the culprit, even though we threatened to reveal long-haired pictures of him in his formative years.

Eventually we were able to determine and confront the guilty party. Even though he/she did not openly admit to the incident, I believe that there would be enough evidence to convict in a court of law.

As you can see below, the trade did go through this afternoon. That's me on the left and Mark on the right.

I would like to state, for the record, that I have no hard feelings about the whole incident, though I will say that the potential candidacy of Pappu / Miller for the 2008 Presidential race has certainly taken a big hit.


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